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Regenerative Leadership Institute: Renewable Energy – Thinking For the Future

Could you imagine a life without electricity, without transportation, without the basic amenities? For sure you can’t because we are so much habitual of these things that we cannot think a life without these. But today by the excessive use of non-renewable energy resources we are going to provide the same life to next generation. We also cannot help it because the population is also continuously increasing and so are the uses. It’s time to find out the new resources for energy generation.


Our Hollywood movies are always ahead in finding out new energy resources like, ‘Arc Reactor’ for Iron Man, Star Trek is nothing without ‘dilithiam crystals’, ‘Krypton’ for famous Super Man, certainly these are fictitious but very much impressive. But somehow they drive our attention that we must not only dependable on fossil fuels.


Important source of Alternate Energy

  • Solar Energy

  • Wind Energy

  • Hydro Energy

  • Geothermal Energy

  • Biomass

  • Ocean Energy


These are the best alternative resources, and you must know more Renewable Energy.





















Importance of Renewable Energy


Renewable energy could put a great impact on our society, off-course these are the best alternative for the production of energy to run the world but also there are some other impacts on our society. Let’s discuss them.


The most important aspect is the positive environmental impact. The burning of fossil fuels emits harmful green house gases that affect the climate and use of these renewable energy recourses will certainly decrease the emission of these green house gases. Thus it could put a great effect on environment and can help in maintaining the climate.

Renewable energy is not only about saving the environment; this could help a nation to boost its economy.  This industry is rapidly growing so there is tremendous opportunity and employment for people. Thus it can also give a good living standard to people and a better life.


It doesn’t end here only, if a country starts using these renewable energy resources then they will purchase less oil from foreign country, thus less money is going out from the state thus government’s money is saved and also you are not dependent on these countries for four energy needs thus you are having an energy security.



So we come to know that how this renewal energy is contributing to the world’s economy.  Here I am listing these seven factors:

  • Reducing the effects of global warming.

  • Alternate to the running out fossil fuels.

  • Reducing pollution

  • Supporting Developing Countries

  • Moving away from foreign oil dependency

  • Investment in alternative energy – a appropriate approach for better future

  • Creating Green Jobs.


In short using renewable energy for future is only beneficial to us. Let’s join hand with Regenerative Leadership Institute and explore the future of the world.   

Renewable Energy Future
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